Why an Association
As happened elsewhere, once juggling and circus arts in general broke out of the confines of the Big Top and gatherings in the streets, they set off- as we all expected- an incredible chain reaction in Italy too. The number of people performing them increased exponentially, until they finally bacame a craze. After years of exciting work the moment was right for us to make an extraordinary effort to enable Juggling Magazine to meet the ambitious target which it had set itself from its inception: that of spreading and promoting these arts to an even greater number of jugglers. In January 2002, therefore, without a song and a dance, our Associazione Giocolieri e Dintorni was created.
Why Giocolieri e Dintorni (Jugglers & Neighborough)
GIOCOLIERI (Jugglers) because juggling is educational, joyful and everybody can do it; furthermore it helps people grow up happily, develop their skills and become passionate about other physical or artistic activities . That’s why we chose the word DINTORNI (neighborough) as well, because this includes any other activity juggling can lead to: from circus to theatre, from street arts to sports, dancing and games, from science to medicine and meditation, and so on.
Our goals
Our association is the direct inheritor of Juggling Magazine, and therefore we didn’t have to start from zero, as they have done a lot of work in the past years. They had already designed and started a series of goals and initiatives, and we hope that with this association (as it often happens with associations) we will be able to start new and even more interesting ones. You are more than welcome to help us if you are interested in any of these goals:
- To promote and spread the studying, practice and development both of juggling and of circus arts in all their shapes.
- To provide all our members with a series of services, contacts and pieces of information which might be useful for the development of their own professional and individual personality.
- To help us to carry our the production and distribution of Juggling Magazine, helping
us distribute it to theatre schools, schools, recreation centres, circuses and in any other place where juggling and circus arts in general are considered to be important.
- To help us take care of and reinforce our website www.jugglingmagazine.it, by adding a section with useful websites or updates on events, courses and projects all connected to juggling or circus arts in general.
- To participate, organize, advertise and offer your own experience for articles, performances, internships, courses and shows about juggling or circus arts which can be distinguished for their quality and technical, artistic and cultural content.
- To promote in your area circus projects for children and young people, organise professional training interships and a national annual meeting for practitioners in this sector, or again take care of the translation and publication of advertising and educational material.
- To represent in official places our practitioners’ wishes and needs.
How to join us:
- Download and fill in the application form (you can find it online)
- Decide how much you want to offer to help with the development of our association (any amount of money grants you the right to receive at home four issues of Juggling Magazine)
- Make a bank transfer
- Email us (or send by fax) the application form and the receipt of your bank transfer
00053 Civitavecchia (RM)
viale della Vittoria 25
tel/fax 0766 673952
mob. 347 6597732
VAT n. 006894411005
L’Ass. Giocolieri e Dintorni / progetto CircoSfera, in collaborazione con il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, presenta “SFERA - formazione nazionale in circo educativo e pedagogico" 6° Corso Universitario per lo Studio delle Attività Motorie applicate alle Arti Circensi (ottobre 2017 - giugno 2018)
Programma di Formazione 2011
per Operatori di Progetti di Circo per Bambini e Ragazzi
con il sostegno del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
L'Ass. Giocolieri e Dintorni promuove ed organizza meeting, stage, e un corso universitario per operatori dell'infanzia che vogliano introdurre nelle scuole, nelle palestre, nelle associazioni, l'insegnamento per bambini e ragazzi in ambito pedagogico delle arti circensi.
Il Corso di Studio in Scienze Motorie, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, in collaborazione con l’Ass. Giocolieri e Dintorni, annuncia il “2° Corso Universitario per lo Studio delle Attività Motorie applicate alle Arti Circensi”
(3 ottobre 2011/ 29 giugno 2012).